Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 85 – Recon Part Deux

A few weeks back I was able to visit a gym that I could work out in and found the experience less than pleasant.

This weekend, I was guest at my friend’s club and again felt awkward in the presence of so many people who were either too focused on themselves or too focused on making an impression on others.

I explained to my friend Mike that I would work out with him but that I was also doing some reconnaissance. By the end of the session, he was eager to hear what I had to say.

I explained that I was used to working out at home with very little equipment and he was doubtful that anyone could get a great workout from bands, body weight and skipping rope. I then let him have it – most of the people doing exercises didn’t have a clue what they were doing and I felt that this is when people get hurt, I also questioned the patron’s reasons for coming since many seemed to make it a social time to talk. I also mentioned that with so many machines there can be a disconnect to how the body actually moves and muscles may not get isolated, plus you want to develop balance and synergy with your body. He asked if I thought the cardio equipment was great. I had to say that I’d rather get out on the road with my running shoes or jump rope rather than sitting on a bike or treadmill reading a magazine or watching TV.

Once I realized he wanted to hear more about the PCP, I let him have it all, the great program and the challenges. So I may have a convert and I don’t think I’ll visit a gym again, at least one like this very soon.

Last few days of the PCP and I am locked in!

See you soon.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I think the problem is that muscles are TOO isolated using machines. Nothing in your daily life will use only one muscle, movements always work in groups of complementary and counteracting forces. When you get off the machines you start moving with grace and purpose rather than just inflating muscle tissue and becoming a walking series of unconnected bumps.