Like many things in my life, I need to measure my strength and condition for me to know how much I’ve improved. There is no doubt in my mind that the PCP has made me stronger, I can feel it but lets get a little more scientific about it:
If you would like to review, my original test methodology and results go to my day 44 here.
1. My resting heart rate is now 53 bests per minute, down from 57.
2. My 1-½ mile run time is now 10:47 minutes, down from 11:24.
3. My maximum pushups are now 94, up from 60.
4. My one-rep-max bench press is now 305lbs., up from 275 lbs.
5. My bent knee crunch maximum is 76, up from 63.
6. My sit and reach measurement is now 11cm, down from 16.
I am blown away by these results. I amazed myself with what I have accomplished and can say without hesitation that I am now in the peak condition of my life.
These tests are a way for me to gauge my progress but have been a source of motivation too. Each time I exercised, I wanted to work toward doing better on these tests and focused to failure when I had to.
I can now do 15 pull-ups consecutively, which amazes me to no end – I remember not long ago when completing two was a major chore.
So there you have it. Only one more day to go and I feel like superman. These test results have been a great motivator and a benchmark for me to get even better!
See you tomorrow!
Great job Michael. And not a dumb-bell lifted! I love it.
It really is mind blowing what the body can do for itself. I loved the fact that I didn't need to life a single weight other than the weight of my own body.
That's amazing!! Congrats
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