Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 42 – Kids

My kids make me laugh. My eldest constantly reminds me of what I can and cannot eat, sounding a lot like my wife and I’ve come to really appreciate his sensibilities. Because I am constantly talking about the PCP, diet and exercise it’s rubbing off on him in a very positive way. So I find myself not wanting to let him down because he’s asking how the workout is going, do I like the food, show me your muscles etc. and looking up to me.

I’m also thinking about how I used to do things – I’d tell my kids to finish up their food even if they were full, essentially telling them to gorge themselves. Not very wise and to top it off I would eat their leftovers. Now we portion out the foods since little bodies adjust food intake sporadically and they may need more food one day and much less the next. I now don’t have to finish what they’ve left, there rarely is any except what wasn’t portioned out and that’s good old leftovers.

I blogged a while ago about obesity in children and it must be a priority for adults to show children what to eat and how to eat plus give them a very good impression of their bodies. My eldest asked why I was doing the Peak Condition Project and I told him to get into the best shape and top condition of my life. He asked me if he could start getting into his best shape right away too – pretty cool.

See you tomorrow.


Patrick said...

We've had a few parents do the Project and every time they're amazed by how eager the kids are to get involved. It's really the greatest gift you could give the little tykes, a positive role model that will set them up for a long and healthy life.

Tanya said...

I agree, he's a lucky kid to have such a positive role model.

Lene said...

Haha, my 11 year old is the same. Today was my final day of the PCP, and we were sitting in the car for 6 hours, so a lot of junk was around, but he constantly was watching my are you supposed to have that...You're doing great. Keep strong!