After my workout tonight I went to the grocery store to stock up on salmon and chicken. While in the check-out aisle a magazine caught my eye. On the cover of the publication it boldly stated that a new diet would help you lose up to 28 pounds in under a month! Not only this but below the claim it also said you could do it by eating chili dogs, hamburgers and manwiches!! I reserved judgment until I came home to research it further but when I went onto the diet site it said very little, only that you’d have to buy the book and program to find out fully.
I don’t want to say that this diet won’t work, it may very well work for the right individual and this is why I won’t mention the specific diet, but what bothers me most is the grandiose claims and guarantees the diet and the publication make. On the site there is at least very small mouse print that states “results not typical”. However, the gullible have already called in their credit card number for the program before they’ve read this.
I guess that’s why I like the Peak Condition Project. It’s not bullshit, it’s the facts and it’s hard work, and in the end the program works. Is this the miracle program, I would say so but there is no magic pill to swallow nor is there a fancy machine to buy, it’s all on the participants shoulders and I’m sure that makes the program doubly rewarding in the end.
I can relate it to playing the lottery or even the slot machines. Play all you want but in the end the house will win. Rather, invest your money – watch it grow, go back to school, build a business, its all the same and its all hard work but your chance of success is always greater this way than with gambling. However, human nature will always point us toward the path of least resistance and this makes sense biologically, we just didn’t evolve to deal with the world as it exists today.
So my quote for today is this – “The hard way and the right way are usually the same way.”
To me it’s a good way to go through life and is a great way to ask yourself what you should do next.
I had a small lapse today…I missed lunch and as I was out grabbing a coffee, I put a teaspoon of sugar in. It really tasted good and then I really felt guilty. I won’t beat myself up about it, I’ve just learned that I can’t skip a meal or it all breaks down. I also learned that lemon juice tastes great on pasta and shrimp – awesome! Workout was great too, I sweat quite a lot but enjoyed the idea that I was giving it my all.
That’s it for today – I’m off to get my 8 hours of slumber. See you tomorrow.
1 comment:
Dude, I read about a particularly shady practice the late-night infomercial types pull. Check it out:
These people cruise hospitals in search of athletes who've broken their leg or something. They pay them an undisclosed sum and sign a confidentiality agreement, and basically the athlete pigs out and gets as chunky as possible while convalescing.
When the injury heals the athlete gets back into training (as you'll find in the future, it's not that hard to get back in good shape once you've reached a high level of physical fitness) and magically they "lose 28 pounds in 28 days!" or whatever claim they want to make.
Then they turn around and sell the same thing to people who have no idea how to eat, exercise, keep a training regimen, or anything.
Man, screw them.
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