Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 19 - I am so tired today

I just read an email from Patrick who warned about overexerting yourself at this stage of the game and it seems to fit exactly what I’m feeling today. I’ve been pushing it really hard and have lost a few pounds over the last few days. I’m just wiped out.

So I’m sticking to the plan, the food, the exercises, everything, I’m just not going to take it right to the wall for a few days – I’ll dial it down a bit, I won’t go to exhaustion or failure and I’ll try to get my eight hours of sleep or more especially in the next few nights.

It is a little frustrating since I go hard all the time but I don’t want to get sick or worse, risk an injury. I’m really excited about what I’ve done so far but Patrick has stated that getting sick now could hold me back for a week.

So I’m going to get my 800 ropejumps in and I’m off to bed and some sweet, sweet sleep!

See you tomorrow.


Patrick said...

Just like everything else in the natural world, humans have cycles of activity and withdrawal, push and pull, exertion and rest. Learning to ride this wave is a big piece of what it means to be in Peak Condition.

Take it easy.

Tanya said...

You've done fantastically so far, you deserve a little rest so u won't go into exhaustion. Refuel that body.

Take care of yourself....k!!!