I took fruit(bananas), vegetables(mushrooms), meat(chicken) plus rye bread as a carb. None of it was ideal and there was an awkward moment when I told my host that I was on the peak condition project diet. The gentleman was very interested though and asked lots of questions about it. I’m not sure if I converted him to the PCP side but he said he would check out the site and see if it was for him.
Traveling is tough enough but I’m going to have to get my head around how to better deal with the PCP diet on a trip. There’s so much food to eat right now that I almost need a Sherpa to help me. In any event I got through it and feel much stronger because of it.
In one of the airports, I had to stop myself as I was walking up to a convenience store to buy a candy bar. Old habits – and it wasn’t even that I wanted it that badly, it was so easy and just there. I keep thinking back to my wife’s mother who said that when she was growing up in Ireland, candy only really came 3 times a year: Christmas, Easter and your birthday. Today we live in a constant Wonka’s Chocolate factory of sweet choices and to me its not a good thing at all.
I can already see that my diet will be too bland unless I introduce some herbs and spices into the mix. I like spicy foods and I’m going to get some hot peppers and experiment with them. The fruit is great. When I had my afternoon banana for the first time perhaps in my life, I felt it was sweet! So fruit is my new sweet treat and I’ve got to make sure I don’t overindulge.

My exercises are going well. My shoulders are tired and my legs are sore but what I really need is some flexibility. Tomorrow I will start a stretching regime so that my body can loosen up.
I’m off to sleep now and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Yeah, I its difficult when travelling or big events right. Also, whenever I am in the office and out of the classroom that is usually when I snack on chocolate so that is when the craving for my bad habits begin. ahhh
You are soooo right about the banana. I never knew how good it was til now!
I am feeling pretty inflexible too. Today I felt like my body was so tight and I was aching a lil bit from the new exercises yesterday. Now I am spending more time warming up otherwise I feel too stiff to do anything properly.
oh How did u learn about PCP?
I'll hook you up with the correct stretches to match your exercises when I get back to Nippon guys.
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