Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 27 – High Fructose Corn Syrup

I was cruising’ around youtube and saw this:

I also saw this:

I don’t want to rant really but I would like to say that if you’re trying to lose weight there are evil forces conspiring against you. It is not easy to stay healthy and trim and when you are up against marketing machines and corporate dollars it is that much harder. Like the Tobacco industry telling the world that nicotine isn’t addictive - with a straight face, here the Corn Refiners Association is fighting against negativity, drop in sales or maybe a trend they see coming sometime soon.

I don’t mind these ads, they don’t affect me because I stay clear of the stuff but maybe someone should worry about this because it is a very slippery slope when you say “its fine in moderation”.

Anyhow. Patrick made a comment yesterday on chronicling how I feel after a whole day at work, playing with the kids and so forth. I know my stress levels have dropped considerably but I like the idea of gauging it more scientifically. So I am in the process of developing a system to record how the PCP is affecting my stress, outlook, moods as well as my physique.

I just read Tanya’s blog entry for the day and I salivated when I read about her salad. It sounded so good and I guess I should get more adventurous with the foods and combos I’m eating. I am content with my diet though and feel I’m hitting all the cravings at the right times but I will mix it up a little more.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I'm going to post about these HFCS ads on the PCC soon, look out for it.

My philosophy on mixing up your menu is this: If you're satisfied with your current menu keep on it, the body does well with consistency (as long as there's a pretty full range of nutrients). Naturally, in a few weeks you'll get tired of it and then switching things up will come easily.

I firmly believe our cravings are our cavemen bodies telling us we're lacking something.

"But then why do I crave sweets?"

Because we evolved to gorge on fat producing substances in the rare instance they came across our nomadic paths. We need to learn that even though we crave bad stuff, it's not a necessary part of our survival.

However, if you find yourself really craving, say, an apple, that's probably your body short on some vitamin that apples contain.

I don't have any science to back me up it just seems to be in line with the way everything else in us works.